We are so glad to offer apparel for the Model Laboratory School Project Graduation Fundraiser!
Before diving in to your favorite new apparel, here are a few important notes about your purchasing from this custom webstore:

  1. All items are sold on a pre-order basis. This web store is open now and will be closed
    on December 6, 2018 at 9am.
  2. When orders are completed and sorted, they will be available to pick up from Model Laboratory School
     the week of December 11, 2018. You can email Devon Price for any questions.
  3. No printed merchandise in this store is available to view or purchase at Surge.
  4. All sales are final. If we happened to have made a mistake on your order (wrong size, misprint, etc.)
    we will be happy to fix the issue. Unfortunately no returns are available for printed garments.
  5. This webstore is operated by Surge. If you have any questions regarding the garments, payment
    information or other website issues please contact Devon Price at 859-582-0042 or email him here.

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