We are so glad to offer apparel for White Hall Elementary! Before diving in to your favorite new apparel, here are a few important notes about your purchasing from this custom webstore:
All items are sold on a pre-order basis. This web store is open now and will be closed on the morning of Monday, November 11th at approximately 9AM.
- Orders will be completed and delivered to the students homeroom the week of November 18th.
- No printed merchandise in this store is available to view or purchase at Surge.
- All sales are final. If we happened to have made a mistake on your order (wrong size, misprint, etc.) we will be happy to fix the issue. Unfortunately no returns are available for printed garments.
- This webstore is operated by Surge. If you have any questions regarding the garments, payment information or other website issues please contact Misty at 859-624-0045 or email them here.